Full Stack Master’s Program in Advanced Data Science “Become a job-ready data science professional in less than 3 months”

  • Master the frameworks, toolkits, math, and storytelling to tackle real-world complex data problems
  • Understand the applications of advanced data science and accelerate your career growth

Here at Brainalyst, we help Businesses & Individuals to master the field of Data Science using a bottom-up approach. We start with understanding and working with core technology frameworks used to analyze big data.


The core of Data Science Program
(Basic Statistics)

At its core, the course includes descriptive and inferential statistics to understand data and carry out its analysis. Learn the basic elements and different techniques used in data analysis. Master the art and dive into the realm of statistics.


Learn To Explore and Prepare Data With
(Data Exploration and Preparation)

Data is generated in huge amounts each day. Before building any model, explore and prepare data to decide on the framework. Using different data sets, learn data preparation, consolidation, cleansing, and exploration. Analyze and create data sets with Python and R.



ML To Model (Modelling)

Machine learning is key to structuring unstructured data and creating an analysis model for it.

Learn how to draw easy conclusions by using complex ML models. Examine multiple algorithmic approaches to construct models using Python and R.